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Quem Somos

Darq2 é um atelier responsável, projetamos um conceito de equilíbrio entre inovação e consciência ecológica, pensando globalmente e agindo localmente. Propomos uma arquitetura fundamentada no equilíbrio entre arte, sustentabilidade e função, desenhando um ambiente cujo objetivo é minimizar o consumo de água e consumo energético.


Equilíbrio entre arte e sustentabilidade

Equipa de arquitetos profissionais

Projeto personalizado para cada cliente

Materiais ecológicos e de baixo consumo energético


Nossos Serviços

Arquitetura Sustentável 

Arquitetura Criativa 

Arquitetura Tecnológica 

Arquitetura Corporativa 

Arquitetura Hoteleira 

Arquitetura Hospitalar

Arquitetura Industrial

Arquitetura de Reabilitação

Arquitetura Paisagística

Licenciamentos Camarários

Comunicações Prévias



Design de Interiores

Design Gráfico

Renders 3D

Criamos Conceitos


Engenharia Civil

Direção de Fiscalização

Coordenação de Projetos

Acompanhamento de Obra

Projetos Recentes


Nossa Equipa

Trabalhar na DARQ2... 

"It has been a pleasure working with DARQ2 over my three-month internship. The team is friendly, supportive, and I´ve enjoyed working on a variety of projects, from residential apartments to a sheep museum."

""During my internship with Darq2 in Lisbon, I was impressed by the level of support and guidance provided by my mentors. They were always willing to answer my questions and offer constructive feedback to help me grow as a designer.

Additionally, I had the opportunity to work on a very exciting residential project, which allowed me to create great content for my portfolio of work. The city's stunning architecture and design scene also provided endless inspiration for my own creativity.

Overall, my interior design internship in Lisbon was a truly enriching experience, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to kickstart their career in this exciting industry!"

Rebecca Shepherd

 Interior Design Internship - UK

(Julho, 2022)

Charlotte Staton

 Architecture Internship - UK

(Fevereiro a Abril, 2023)

"Foi simplesmente incrível fazer parte do time da Darq2 !! Foram muitas experiências, muito aprendizado e sem dúvida alguma uma oportunidade de vivenciar de perto o exercício da minha profissão em um país rico historicamente e cheio de detalhes. Com uma Arquitetura que nos encanta e com um povo acolhedor, posso dizer que conhecer Portugal através dos olhos da Darq2 foi uma oportunidade singular. Aos colegas de profissão fica meu carinho e admiração, sem dúvida os levo em lembranças e no coração. Obrigada!"
"The best part of doing the internship in Darq2 was that they truly included me in all the project site visits and day trips which I really find important in our profession. In that way I learned more about the profession but also a lot about Portugal and the city of Lisbon. When I showed interest in interior design they gave me freedom to participate in the projects and I found it was really useful for my future career."

Daniele Quadra

  Arquiteta (Fevereiro 2022 a Fevereiro 2023)

Erna Petrovecki

Architecture Erasmus Intership - Croatia

(Outubro 2021 a Abril 2022)


"I learned a lot during my 3 month internship digital marketing internship at Darq 2. I brought the skills I gained in university and implemented them into the work I completed during my time. This included website design, video editing and creating informative posts for different social media platforms."


"Working with DARQ2 I felt was a great initial insight of what it is like working in an architectural practice. From the design process, to site visits and the construction I was able to take away key skills and knowledge that have helped further my own understanding. As an aspiring architect I was able to learn from experienced and licensed architects about the fundamentals of designing an innovative building whilst considering different aspects such as; sustainability and its aesthetic."

Sean Clarke

Digital Marketing Internship - Ireland

(Fevereiro a Abril, 2023)

Mariah Fabian

Architecture Internship - UK

(Junho a Agosto, 2022)

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Rua Castilho, 23 - 3º C

CP 1250 - 067

Lisboa, Portugal

+ 351 969 073 791

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Orgulhosamente criado por DARQ2 ©

Enviado com sucesso!

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